#SpreeFit: Hitting your fitness goals with Spree

Posted 21st of April 2020

#SpreeFit: Hitting your fitness goals with Spree

One of the biggest goals for many people is getting fit. This might be to lose weight, better their health or simply for the joy of exercise in itself. However, getting fit is often stated as one of the hardest lifestyle choices to make and this is because it requires leaving our comfort zones in many ways. Despite this, exercising can be one of the most rewarding things we can do for ourselves and with Spree, you can do this for even less. If you are in the Aberdeen area, we have a wide variety of fitness options to help you achieve your goals. 


  1. Get a consultation: Many people who wish to begin their fitness journeys don’t quite know where to start. This is where a fitness consultation comes in; a fitness expert will sit with you and discuss your fitness goals and plans. This will help determine what exercises will be best for you and how intense your workouts should be. With spree, you can get a fitness consultation for free and begin your journey. 

  2. Get climbing: Climbing is a great exercise to engage in because, for the most part, it doesn’t feel like exercise. Instead, it feels like we are harkening back to our playground days from childhood and this is why many people choose indoor climbing as a fun social activity with friends and family. If you’re looking to get your climb on, take advantage of our amazing offers

  3. Get swimming: Just like with indoor climbing, swimming often does not feel like exercise because it’s so much fun. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned swimmer who wants to continue in their efforts, we have many offers at spree to unleash your inner swimmer. You can also make it a family affair with everyone joining in the fun!

  4. Find your tribe: One of the best ways to stay on track with your fitness is to find a fitness center that you can consistently visit to get your sweat on. At Spree, we have deals for all kinds of gyms, as well as passes to a number of fitness classes. 


Whether you want to drop pounds or simply get active, we at Spree have a deal for you that will set you well on the path to your fitness goals.

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